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Time series, 2022. R58000 set
  • Time series, 2022. R58000 set

    Time #1, 2021

    Mixed media on Hahnemühle 350gsm paper. Framed in black box and museum glass 340 x 900mm
    Time #2, 2021Mixed media on Hahnemühle 350gsm paper. Framed in black box and museum glass340 x 690mm
    Time #3, 2021Mixed media on Hahnemühle 350gsm paper. Framed in black box and museum glass340 x 430mm
    Time #4, 2021Mixed media on Hahnemühle 350gsm paper. Framed in black box and museum glass340 x 310mm
    Time #5, 2021Mixed media on Hahnemühle 350gsm paper. Framed in black box and museum glass340 x 290mm


    These works are from the Matrix series and deal with the idea of an ‘Other’ space: Simulated, embodied, dynamic and different to the experienced, physical real. It is presented as constructions and connected spaces, and as fictional.

    This work deals with time, specifically the time of living beings caught up in a matrix of linear biological time. In the Time works the flâneurs are present again, operating and active in their individual time zones. They are in a matrix of time, but a matrix can also be a twilight zone of memory – good or bad – or a dream or fantasy or a projection of the virtual self in digital space. All of these relate to time. Besides a large grid-like matrix occupying the visual space in the video production Life in the matrix and the Time series, imagery of everyday flâneurs is found. Their flânerie takes place non-stop against the backdrop of the rhythm of life. The flâneurs stroll the city with handbags, backpacks and parcels, and there are bicycles, cyclists and musicians. Caught up in a matrix of linear biological time, the strollers engage in individual pursuits of daily ritual. Their bodily walking movements indicate physical life, existing in time and place on an existential stage.

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